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Sat, Apr 22



上巳節 · 修行 Spring Festival One Day Wellness Retreat

在4 月22日(農曆三月初三 - 上巳節),來到人傑地靈的澳門天后宮參加 ”上巳節 · 修行”,以太極,結合音療樂器及脈輪冥想,讓您在和諧寧靜的環境中,重拾身心的平衡和自我提昇的力量,增強生命力,促進新陳代謝,改善睡眠質素,感受自然之道。 是次活動沒有參拜,歡迎各宗教背景或沒有宗教人士參加。 敬請成為會員及登記,名額有限,報名從速!如有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫我們: 微信/ Instagram : the_extra_club Facebook: theextraclub

上巳節 · 修行 Spring Festival One Day Wellness Retreat
上巳節 · 修行 Spring Festival One Day Wellness Retreat

Time & Location

Apr 22, 2023, 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM GMT+8

澳門天后宮, Macau Tin Hau Temple, Macao

About the event

上巳節 · 修行


在人傑地靈的澳門媽祖文化村-天后宮,以太極,結合音療樂器(如磬、頌缽、銅鑼、海浪鼓等)及脈輪冥想,讓您在和諧寧靜的環境中,重拾身心的平衡和自我提昇的力量,增強生命力,促進新陳代謝,改善睡眠質素,感受自然之道。 是次活動沒有參拜,歡迎各宗教背景或沒有宗教人士參加。

日期 Date:2023 年 4 月 22 日 (農曆三月初三 - 上巳節)

時間 Time:早上9 時 - 下午5 時 

地點 Location:澳門媽祖文化村天后宮(路環疊石塘山)

早鳥價 (4 月12 日前報名)

MOP $988 / 位  (加送養生修行服一套)  


 MOP $1,288 / 位 

包含齋菜午餐, 需自備瑜珈墊


  1. 按 RSVP 登記
  2. 使用中銀或 mPay 付款截圖 
  3. 把截圖發到微信:  the_extra_club 確定登記  


  • 太極混元桩  
  • 道家五行功 
  • 齋菜午餐 
  • 心輪襌 
  • 銅鑼浴淨化
  • 聲療樂器體驗


製作:量思   微信/ Instagram: The Extra Club (@the_extra_club)  


• 黃頌鳴道長是澳門天后宫的法師及風水命理師,精通道家思想文化,太極強身健體之道。主持澳門天后宮各大祈福儀式。

• 胡敏芝老師是師承自由潛世界冠軍,前國家首相等名師。是國際認証的運動科學健身,拉伸及冥想導師。 在世界頂級酒店, 户外及健身館授課。

• 梁玉珍老師是師承尼泊爾國寶級、第三代西藏頌缽音療師 Master Shree Krishna等名師,是國際認証的資深頌缽培訓導師及冥想導師。

Chinese Spring Festival One-day wellness retreat Enjoy Tai Chi, sound therapy, chakra meditation and a delicious vegetarian lunch at the tranquil A-Ma Cultural Village in Macau. Relax in peaceful nature, restore balance of mind and body, improve sleep quality and feel happier. No religious services will be held at this event, and people of all religious backgrounds or no religion are welcome.

Date:22 Apr 2023 (Sat)

Time:9am - 5pm

Location:A-Ma Cultural Village 

Early Bird Price (Pay before 12 Apr 2023):

MOP $988 per person with free training suit!


MOP $1,288 per person 

Price include vegan meal. 

Participant will bring their own exercise mat. 

Registration process: 

  1. Register at
  2. BOC/mPay : Screen capture payment
  3. Send screen capture to the_extra_club via WeChat / 


  • Tai Chi Hunyuan Meditation (with light stretching)
  • Taoist Five Elements Meditation
  • Vegetarian Lunch
  • Heart Chakra Meditation with Singing Bowl and Sea Drum
  • Chakra Cleansing Meditation with Gong 
  • Sound therapy experience

Organiser:A-Ma Cultural Village

Produceer:The Extra Club (@the_extra_club)  


• Jacob Wong is a Taoist Feng Shui master at the Tin Hau Temple in Macau. He is well versed in Taoist ideology and culture and the way of Tai Chi to strengthen the body. He led the great blessing ceremonies of Tin Hau Temple in Macau.

• Michelle Wu is taught by Freediving world champions and the former Prime Minister of Japan. She is an internationally certified instructor in  fitness, stretching and meditation. She has taught in the best hotels, outdoor facilities and gyms in the world.

• Anna Leong is taught by the Nepalese national master and third generation Tibetan singing bowl sound therapist, Master Shree Krishna. She is an internationally certified senior singing bowl trainer and meditation teacher.


  • 30 minutes



  • 30 minutes


11 more items available

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