精神健康工作坊 2022/10/17
Mon, Oct 17
|Rolling Yoga 途伴 - 澳門南灣大馬路中華廣場9樓N
放鬆 • 改善睡眠質素 • 提升活力

Time & Location
Oct 17, 2022, 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Rolling Yoga 途伴 - 澳門南灣大馬路中華廣場9樓N, 9/F, Flat N, China Plaza, 2-6 Av. de Dom João IV, Macao
About the event
放鬆 • 改善睡眠質素 • 提升活力
時間: 2022 年 10 月 17 (星期一)晚上7:30-8:30pm
精神健康導遊: 胡敏芝 (Mish) - 美國認証靈氣大師, 人生教練及健身教練
報名: www.theextraclub.com; Whatsapp/微信 The Extra Club +853 6859 7928;
地點: 途伴,澳門南灣中華廣場9樓N室
收費: 隨心捐献 - 30% 淨收益將捐給慈善機構為世界帶來愛與歡樂
誠邀閣下參加我們 十月每逢週一晚上舉辦的靈氣冥想, 一起探討靈性議題 ,玩小遊戲, 提升正念及意識。 從而放鬆改善睡眠質素提升活力 。適合任何年齡層,性別 ,宗教人士。 歡迎你帶埋你最愛最想溝通的親人朋友一齊嚟玩住修練 。期待和你見面!
將介紹改善精神健康的正念 (Mindfulness)、意識 (Consciousness)和語言能量的概念。參與者將通過迷你游戲和靈氣 (Reiki) 冥想了解我們的情緒(心靈)和我們的身體之間的相關性。好處包括改善睡眠質量、提高能量水平、感覺放鬆、更快樂和更年輕。與我們一起發展您的心理健康和靈性!
靈氣在醫學界越來越受歡迎,美國有 800 多家醫院將靈氣作為醫院護理的標準組成部分。美國哈特福德醫院的一項研究表明,靈氣使患者的睡眠改善了 86%,疼痛減少了 78%,噁心減少了 80%,懷孕期間的焦慮減少了 94%。
Mental Health Workshop
Relax | Sleep Better | Higher energy
Date: 17 Oct 2022 (Monday)
Time: 7:30-8:30pm
Location: Rolling Yoga, Flat N, 9/F, Avenida de Dom João IV, Nam Van
Speaker: Mish Wu, Certified Reiki Master, Life Coach and Fitness Coach (ACE)
Fees: Pay as you wish, net proceeds will go to Cradle of Hope Association, Macau to bring hope and peace to the world
How to register: Whatsapp/ Wechat +853 6859 7928 for registraition/ enquiries
The Mental Health workshop will introduce the concepts of mindfulness, consciousness and energy of language that improves mental health. Participants will learn what are the correlations between our emotions (mind) and our body through mini-games and Reiki meditation. Benefits of this workshop include improved sleeping quality, higher energy level, feeling relaxed, happier and younger. Develop your mental health and spirituality with us!
Reiki is becoming increasingly popular with the medical community, with over 800 hospitals across the U.S. offering Reiki as a standard part of hospital care. A research study at Hartford Hospital in the U.S. indicates that Reiki improved patient sleep by 86 percent, reduced pain by 78 percent, reduced nausea by 80 percent, and reduced anxiety during pregnancy by 94 percent.
精神健康工作坊 2022年10月17日 (星期一)
放鬆 • 改善睡眠質素 • 提升活力 一起探討靈性議題 ,玩小遊戲, 提升正念及意識。 從而放鬆改善睡眠質素提升活力 。適合任何年齡層,性別 ,宗教人士。 歡迎你帶埋你最愛最想溝通的親人朋友一齊嚟玩 。
HK$0.00+HK$0.00 service feeSale ended