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Mother's Day Tai Chi x Sound Therapy 母親節太極 x 音療



A Ma Cultural Village

來到人傑地靈的澳門天后宮參加 ”母親節太極音療”,以太極,結合音療冥想,讓您在和諧寧靜的環境中,感受自然之道,享用美味全素午餐,答謝母親無條件的愛。 是次活動可自由選擇參拜,歡迎各宗教背景或沒有宗教人士參加。 如有任何疑問,歡迎隨時聯繫我們: Whatsapp: +852 66810631 微信/ Instagram : the_extra_club Facebook: Registration:

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Mother's Day Tai Chi x Sound Therapy 母親節太極 x 音療
Mother's Day Tai Chi x Sound Therapy 母親節太極 x 音療


2023年5月14日 10:00 – GMT+8 16:00

A Ma Cultural Village, Estrada do Alto de Coloane, Estr. do Alto de Coloane, Macao


Mother's Day Tai Chi + Sound Therapy

Enjoy Tai Chi, sound therapy, chakra meditation and a delicious vegan lunch at the tranquil A-Ma Cultural Village in Macau. Relax in peaceful nature, restore balance of mind and body, appreciate mothers for their unconditional love. No religious services will be held at this event, and people of all religious backgrounds or no religion are welcome.

Date:14 May 2023 (Sun)

Time:10 am - 4pm

Location:A-Ma Cultural Village

*** Activities may be held outdoors or indoors depending on the weather

Language: Mainly conducted in Cantonese and English, with Cantonese, Mandarin and English translations available upon request

Price:MOP $1,688 per person

Mother's Day discount: MOP $1,288 per person if you are a mom/ bring a mom with you

Price include:

1. Delicious vegan buffet lunch

2. Shuttle bus from Macau Outer Harbor to A-Ma Cultural Village (Pick up at 9:30am).  If you come from Hong Kong, you can take the 8AM ferry from Sheung Wan. Shuttle bus shall return to Macau Outer Harbor by 5:30pm.

*** Please bring your own yoga mat, meditation scarf, eye mask and environmentally friendly tableware (mug, plates, bowls, fork, spoon etc.)

Registration process:

  1. Register on website
  2. Pay by credit card with a charge/ if you would like to pay via other payment methods, enter coupon code 'PAYOFFLINE'

If you pay offline:

  1. BOC/mPay/ FPS/ Payme : Screen capture payment (1RMB = 1 HKD = 1 MOP)
  2. Send screen capture to +852 66810631 via Whatsapp/ the_extra_club via WeChat/ to theextraclubMacau via Facebook


  • Tai Chi Five Elements Dynamic Meditation
  • Sound Therapy Guided Meditation (with Handpan, Gong, Singing Bowl, Sea Drum...)
  • Forest Bath (with mini Energy game depending on weather)
  • Sound Therapy Instruments Experience
  • Professional Photoshooting
  • Delicious vegan lunch buffet

Organiser:A-Ma Cultural Village

Produceer:The Extra Club (@the_extra_club) 


• Jacob Wong is a Taoist Feng Shui master at the Tin Hau Temple in Macau. He is well versed in Taoist ideology and culture and the way of Tai Chi to strengthen the body. He led the great blessing ceremonies of Tin Hau Temple in Macau.

• Antonio Monteiro is a talented Portuguese musician, photographer and Acastic Sassani Therapist based in Macau, whose passion for music and spirituality drives his creative work. He creates soulful compositions on the handpan and captures the beauty of the world through his photography, inspired by his deep spiritual beliefs.

• Michelle Wu is an accomplished leadership development director, guest meditation coach at Sofitel Hotel and outdoor photographer. She has had the privilege of training with freediving champions and a former Japanese Prime Minister, and is certified in project management, fitness, stretching, and Reiki meditation. Michelle is a passionate advocate for promoting health and sustainability.


來到人傑地靈的澳門天后宮參加 ”母親節太極音療”,以太極,結合音療冥想,讓您在和諧寧靜的環境中,感受自然之道,享用美味全素午餐,答謝母親無條件的愛。是次活動可自由選擇參拜,歡迎各宗教背景或沒有宗教人士參加。

日期:2023 年 5 月 14 日 (星期日)

時間:早上10 時 - 下午4 時


*** 因應天氣活動可能在户外或户內進行

語言:  主要以廣東話及英語進行,如有需要可提供廣東話,普通話及英語翻譯

感恩價:  MOP $1,688/ 位

母親優惠: MOP $1,288/ 位 (如你是母親/ 帶同母親一起前來)


1. 美味齋菜自助午餐

2. 穿梭巴士在澳門外港碼頭 9:30am 接送直達天后官 (如從香港過來可於上環乘坐 8AM 船), 大概 5:30pm 回到澳門外港碼頭

*** 需自備瑜珈墊,冥想用圍巾,眼罩及環保餐具 (水柸/ 碗/ 碟/ 快子/ 湯匙)


  1. 在網站登記
  2. BOC/ mPAY/ FPS/ Payme 付款確認  (1RMB = 1 HKD = 1 MOP)
  3. 使用微信將截圖發送給the_extra_club;或使用Facebook將其發送到theextraclubMacau; 或使用 Whatsapp 發送給 +852 66810631, 


  • 太極五行功 (動態冥想)
  • 音療導航冥想 - 手碟, 銅鑼, 頌缽, 海浪鼓...
  • 森林浴 (視天氣情況作出相應安排)
  • 音療樂器體驗
  • 親子專業拍照
  • 美味全素自助午餐


製作:量思   微信/ Instagram: The Extra Club (@the_extra_club) 


• 黃頌鳴道長是澳門天后宫的法師及風水命理師,精通道家思想文化,太極強身健體之道。主持澳門天后宮各大祈福儀式。

• Antonio Monteiro 是一位才華橫溢的葡萄牙音樂家,攝影師和Acastic Sassani療癒師,現居澳門,他對音樂和靈性的熱愛驅動著他的創作。他在手鼓上創作出充滿靈魂的作品,並通過攝影捕捉世界之美,受到其深刻的靈性信仰的啟發。

• 胡敏芝老師是高管培訓總監,索菲特酒店的客席冥想教練和户外攝影師。她曾接受自由潛水冠軍和前日本總理的指導,並持有項目管理、健身、拉伸和靈氣冥想國際認證。她熱衷於促進身心健康和環境可持續性。


  • Mother's Day discount 母親優惠

    if you are a mom/ bring a mom with you. 如你是母親/ 帶同母親一起前來

    從 HK$1,288.00 到 HK$1,688.00
    • HK$1,288.00
      +HK$32.20 服務費
    • HK$1,688.00
      +HK$42.20 服務費




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