2023年12月16日 GMT+8 14:00 – 2023年12月17日 GMT+8 20:00
Macau, Macau
由 Michelle 老師教授, 她是靈氣和Karuna大師,同時也是健身教練,前國家劍道冠軍和管理顧問。
靈氣進階班 (III)
大量練習成為進階的靈氣治療師. 以能量重新認識你自己,包括我們身體、行為、思想、情緒和靈性. 清洗過去情緒創傷記憶,創造和諧的心境. 先療癒自己,再療癒別人,成為一個真正的療癒師.
量思加送: 人肉測謊肌 II.
先決條件:靈氣 I&II
靈氣 III 符號 – 如何使用它們和練習時間
能源銀行 - 使用靈氣來實現目標的先進技術
心靈手術 - 可讓您消除自己/他人的負面精神能量
獲得靈氣 III 調和,增加你的能量和直覺的強度
如何施加祝福 - 靈氣進階級(5次元呼吸+即時顯現)
Exact location to be provided to registered participants only.
Taught by Michelle, Reiki & Karuna Master, Fitness Coach, ex-National Kendo Champion, Management Consultant
Reiki Advance (III)
Engage in extensive practice to become an advanced Reiki therapist. Through energy, rediscover yourself, including our body, behavior, thoughts, emotions, and spirituality. Cleanse past emotional traumas, creating a harmonious state of mind. Heal yourself first, then heal others, becoming a true healer.
Duration: 12 hours Pre-requisite: Reiki I&II
Reiki III symbols – How to use them and practice time
Energy Bank - Advance techniques for using Reiki to achieve goals
Psychic surgery - allows you to remove negative psychic energy from yourself/ others
Protection Sphere
Advanced Reiki meditation that harmonizes the energy of the chakras, strengthens mindfulness and expands consciousness
The values and spiritual orientation of a true Reiki Master
Receive Reiki III Attunement that increase the strength of your energy and intuition
How to make a blessing - Reiki III (5the dimension breathing + instant manifestation).
Reiki III
This ticket include Reiki I & II and learning materials