昆達里尼啟動 Kundalini Activation (a.k.a. KAP)
能量淨化 • 釋放創傷 • 靈性覺醒 Energy Purification • Trauma Release • Spiritual Awakening
Service Description
昆達里尼能量啟動是一個強而有力的安全空間,讓你可以體會和釋放那些再不適合你或正在阻礙你實現最大潛能的事物;這是一個轉化的過程。 你將會躺在一個安全而不受干擾的環境中的垫子上。這次旅程可能會同時在多個層面體會; 這種能量可以以各種形式呈現, 例如能量感覺、預視和自發身體瑜伽動作。情緒釋放也很自然; 這是一個淨化過程的一部分。對一些人來說, 體驗是純粹的喜悅和解放, 感受到和更高意識狀態的合一。在這種能量狀態將能使你觀察當下並臣服讓能量引導你。 必須預約 更多資訊:https://www.theextraclub.com/zh/kundalini 聯繫我們: Instagram: the_extra_club Whatsapp: +852 9481 0758 準備: 1. 穿寬鬆舒適的衣物。 2. 在活動前4小時或以上避免喝咖啡。 3. 避免飲酒或其他物質。 4. 活動前空腹為佳。 5. 提前稍微到達以穩定自己。 6. 活動後避免緊接其他計劃。 政策: 此預約一經作出將不設退款。請事前周全安排並確定參與。此體驗不適合尋求安靜放鬆體驗的人。 免責聲明: 參與此活動代表你同意以下條款: 1. 活動可能涉及身體動作和受傷風險,包括永久傷殘或死亡。如有任何不適請即停止參與並尋求專業醫療援助。 2. 你自行承擔一切可能因參與導致的損傷。此活動非取代醫療或心理治療。不適合精神易激動、錯覺或心理不穩定者。 3. 你確認年齡18歲或以上,身體和心理狀況適合參與。不建議孕婦參加。 4. 你同意自行判斷是否參與並承擔所有風險。 5. 你同意免除對此療法及工作人員的一切法律責任。 Kundalini Activation (a.k.a. KAP) Booking essential Further info: https://www.theextraclub.com/kundalini Enquiry: Instagram: the_extra_club Whatsapp +852 9481 0758 Policy: This booking is non-refundable. Please make your arrangements in advance and commit before you book. This experience is for the seekers and IS NOT SUITABLE for those looking for a calm and relaxing experience as the session can get quite dynamic.
Upcoming Sessions
Cancellation Policy
Disclaimer: By attending the session, you agreed to the following disclaimer: 1. A session may involve physical movements and risk of injury, including disabling, severe, or fatal. If you experience any pain, you are instructed to discontinue the activity and seek professional medical support. 2. You assume all complete responsibility for any damages that may occur through participation. This is not a substitute for medical or psychological attention, examination, diagnosis, or treatment. It is not recommended or safe for those prone to mania, delusion, or psychosis. 3. You affirm that you are in good health and physical and mental condition to participate in such a program. The process is not recommended during pregnancy. 4. You affirm that you are responsible for deciding whether to practice at your own risk. 5. You hereby agree to release and waive any claims you have now or may have against this healing modality and its instructors. Rescheduling policy: All bookings are non-refundable, and cannot be rescheduled. So please ensure you are fully prepared and committed before booking. Payment policy: 1. Payment is required upfront. 2. Refund is only possible if the booking is cancelled by The Extra Club. The Extra Club reserved all rights.
Contact Details
宋玉生廣場181 - 187號光輝商業中心12樓N座